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البرنامج التنفيذي
لتطوير وتطبيق السياسات العامة
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الاستشراف الاستراتيجي
وتحـــليل السـيناريوهات
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برنامج مُعَد خصيصاً للقيادات والكوادر المتميزة الواعدة بالأجهزة الحكومية
ويشارك في تقديمه نخبة من أبرز أساتذة وخبراء الإدارة العامة في العالم العربي والاسلامي
البرنامج المتقدم
للأداء الحكومي المتميز
الأدلة المهنية
لإدارة الأعمال
اكثر من ٢٤ دليل مهني في مجال الحوكمة والتنظيم والموارد البشرية تساعد المنشآت على تطوير انظمتها الداخلية
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About Madinah Institute of Leadership and Entrepreneurship

Madinah Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship (MILE) is an independent non-profit institution in al-Madinah al-Munawwarah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, pioneering executive education, training, coaching and continuing professional development (CPD), which aims to build leadership capabilities, entrepreneurial excellence and strategic institutional development across the world.

Since its establishment in 2009, partially under the current Ministry of Investment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, MILE has been responsible for the leadership development and entrepreneurial excellence of executives across the world, both within al-Madinah al-Munawwarah and globally through its some of its key flagship programs, such as the prestigious Program for Advanced Leadership (PALM) and High-Performance Governments (HPG).

Through these programs, MILE globally convenes senior executives and high potential leaders with the world’s leading academics in government and business, strategic consulting and advisory firms and innovative thinkers to share their knowledge and rich experiences, help participants discover the best in leadership and management practices, positively impacting their professional careers in the public, private and social sectors.


Our Programs

High Performance Healthcare Organizations

PHPHO enables the executives to develop effective strategies to ensure quality of healthcare in their organizations ...

High Performance Governments

HPG offers to discuss major public policy challenges and aims to enable achieving a high performing government ...

High Performance Telecom

HPT is designed to meet the needs of senior executives from telecommunication industry by covering the market pains ...

Program for Advanced Leadership & Management

PALM offers the latest management concepts and tools, focused on transforming senior executives into leaders ...

Inhouse Training

Why you Should Join Mile?

MILE Bring Global Thinkers
For the first time in the region, MILE has been successful in bringing together speakers who are among top 50 global thinkers to share their knowledge, thoughts ..
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