Chief GIS
Central Informatics & Communications Organisation, Bahrain
Eng. Khalid received an MBA from University of Glamorgan (Wales) in 2004, and a BSc in Land Surveying and Mapping Sciences from University of East London (UK) in 1986. He holds several prestigious official mandates, and is credited with overall effective management and implementation of GIS related activities of the GIS Directorate. Under the able guidance of Eng. Al Hammadi, the GIS Directorate (CIO) has successfully developed and deployed several GeoInt GIS applications for ministries in Bahrain, that have proven as assets in the functioning of the Ministries. Eng. Al Hammadi has an active participation towards fulfilling the Bahraini Governments 2030 vision, of Geospatial fortification of the nation and to his credit are several literary notes on spatial data and its utility for the Kingdom that has won international acclaim. The Geospatial vision of Eng. Al Hammadi for the ministries and the nation is reflected in his technically sound enterprise ventures of Geospatial information at the levels of Government, Public Sectors and General Citizens.
Central Informatics & Communications Organisation, Bahrain
Eng. Khalid received an MBA from University of Glamorgan (Wales) in 2004, and a BSc in Land Surveying and Mapping Sciences from University of East London (UK) in 1986. He holds several prestigious official mandates, and is credited with overall effective management and implementation of GIS related activities of the GIS Directorate. Under the able guidance of Eng. Al Hammadi, the GIS Directorate (CIO) has successfully developed and deployed several GeoInt GIS applications for ministries in Bahrain, that have proven as assets in the functioning of the Ministries. Eng. Al Hammadi has an active participation towards fulfilling the Bahraini Governments 2030 vision, of Geospatial fortification of the nation and to his credit are several literary notes on spatial data and its utility for the Kingdom that has won international acclaim. The Geospatial vision of Eng. Al Hammadi for the ministries and the nation is reflected in his technically sound enterprise ventures of Geospatial information at the levels of Government, Public Sectors and General Citizens.