Chief, e-Government Branch
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, USA
Mr. Vincenzo Aquaro is the Chief of E-Government Branch (E-GB) of the Division for Public Administration & Development Management of the United Nations Departments of Economic & Social Affairs (UNDESA). Before joining the United Nations, Mr. Aquaro was the Chairman of Board and CEO of Formit Servizi SpA, a leading Italian Company in the field of e-governance advisory, management and monitoring services. He was also the member of the Scientific Committee of Formit Foundation, and President and CEO of CARMA Scientific Research Consortium, an Academia and Public Private Partnership established in order to supply ICT products and services for Banks and SME of Agricultural and Agro-industrial fields. Former member of the board of the Master in "ICT Governance in PA: developemnt, management and monitoring" at the University of Rome3, Rome - Italy, Mr Aquaro holds a degree in Electronic Engeneering - automatic controls - from the University of Bari, Italy.
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, USA
Mr. Vincenzo Aquaro is the Chief of E-Government Branch (E-GB) of the Division for Public Administration & Development Management of the United Nations Departments of Economic & Social Affairs (UNDESA). Before joining the United Nations, Mr. Aquaro was the Chairman of Board and CEO of Formit Servizi SpA, a leading Italian Company in the field of e-governance advisory, management and monitoring services. He was also the member of the Scientific Committee of Formit Foundation, and President and CEO of CARMA Scientific Research Consortium, an Academia and Public Private Partnership established in order to supply ICT products and services for Banks and SME of Agricultural and Agro-industrial fields. Former member of the board of the Master in "ICT Governance in PA: developemnt, management and monitoring" at the University of Rome3, Rome - Italy, Mr Aquaro holds a degree in Electronic Engeneering - automatic controls - from the University of Bari, Italy.