Professor - Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies
Oxford - Said Business School, UK
Dr Mustafa is the Nelson Mandela Fellow at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, a Recognized Independent Centre of Oxford University. He is Associate Tutor at the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education.Dr Mustafa has a special interest in e-learning and distance learning programmes. His taught courses include ‘Islam in the Modern World’ and ‘Islam and the West’. He is a regular contributor to the Leadership Development Programme of the Executive Education Centre, Said Business School. Dr Mustafa was a speaker at the Inaugural Oxford Global Islamic Branding and Marketing Forum held at the Said Business School in July 2010. He has served as a public policy advisor (2000-2006) with the Inner Cities Religious Council at the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM).
Dr Mustafa is Chairman of Oxford Islamic Finance limited and Director of Dar al Istithmar limited, a company specialised in research and development of Islamic financial products and Shari’ah compliant finance. He organised and chaired the first and second Oxford Islamic Finance Round Table Conferences held consecutively in 2006 and 2009 on the themes of: -
- Integrating Islamic Financial Management in Global Finance
- The Frontiers of Innovation in Islamic Finance
Dr Mustafa spent a short stint as a VisitingProfessor at the University Technology Malaysia (2010) conducting research on the theme of Islamic business ethics.