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The First Part of PALM 7, Strategy Development And Execution, Concluded on April 23, 2015

Madinah (April 26, 2015) – MILE’s flagship Program for Advanced Leadership and Management is underway at Madinah. It is a two week program further divided into two parts. The first part (week 1) commenced from 17 April, 2015 and concluded on 23 April, 2015 in Madinah, Saudi Arabia. The theme of week 1 was Strategy Development and Execution and it attracted both high profile and potential business leaders. Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF) also sponsored 60 existing and aspiring business leaders out of 1300 applications to attend the first week of the program.

Renowned professors from top ten business schools in the world came to the program as speakers. These speakers delivered lectures on various aspects of strategy development and execution and other leadership topics. For instance, the program commenced with the lecture on Strategy Formulation and Implementation by Prof. Felix Oberholzer of Harvard Business School. On the second day, Prof. Karel Cool of INSEAD talked about leadership in Eco-Systems. Prof. Paul Baines from Cranfield School of Management discussed Strategic Marketing Management with the participants.

Other notable speakers who came to first week of PALM 7 include Mr. Andy Smith, Training Director of Coaching Leaders and Mr. Kevin Kelly who is international bestselling author. PALM 7 is a high profile executive education program and week 1 focused on comprehensive development of the participants. The program helped them to development mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The first part of the program offered participants a chance to learn new techniques, tools and global best practices from world renowned speakers. It helped them improve their public and media speaking skills in addition with benefiting from one on one learning and coaching sessions. Similarly, the programs also enabled the attendees to network with regional and global business and thought leaders, professionals and academicians to expand their social circle and add new skills to their armory.

Other social activities include cultural dinners and dances. Authorities at MILE also paid special attention to the physical wellbeing of the participants. Free medical checkups, morning aerobics, mid-day stretches and balanced diet was an integral part of the program. Similarly, PALM 7 also focused on the spiritual development of the participants by arranging Madinah Field Trips and a visit to Madinah Historical Museum.

All in all, the first week of PALM 7 was a huge success and it helped participants to achieve what they came to Madinah for. All the participants left with better understanding of the best leadership practices and global business challenged faced by their organizations. Now, they are better equipped and position to help their organizations overcome those challenges and find long lasting solutions to their core business problems.


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